Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A possible future

I checked my application status for my government job. It was updated this morning: "You should be contacted within 30-60 days about employment opportunities and your training dates." So it looks like all that work in the application process paid off. Now, I need to be able to run 3 miles in 21 or so minutes and learn to swim within 30-60 days. This will not be easy and i'm probably going to need to hit the gym twice a day now, if that's even possible with my current work schedule. On off days, sure. But on work days, i'm gonna be completely dead tired.

But if it all pans out and I'm actually able to pull it off, will it be worth it? Absolutely. I get to chill with Brian in Cali, not have to worry about money issues, and have a great job that gives me some awesome skills if I decide to further my career. Plus if Jason gets the job too, we'll have the crew out there, enjoying the beautiful sun and scenery while sitting on a wad of cash. That is unless our current presidential administration screws something up along the way. Knowing my luck, just as my training finishes, my job will be nixed. That's just my luck.

Well, here's for hoping I have a future.

1 comment:

  1. Hey now, if I could train to run 3.1 miles in 21 minutes and can swim, then I'm pretty damn sure you can. Since when do you have a blog, anyway?
